15 Step Guide to Generate Revenue from Your Website

Posted by Diana Yusuf on Saturday, May 29, 2010

15 Step Guide to Generate Revenue from Your Website,

1. Decide on the premier market for you.
Make sure to choose a niche that is quickly adjusting and demands consistent maintenance. That way you will never lack new content, and your subscribers will remain subscribers of the site for a longer period of time.

2. Pick the hot keywords that will get you the most attention from buyers in your niche.
Your keywords are pivotal for any online marketing that you do. If you have a blog, participate in article marketing, pay per click advertisements or even just want to optimize your sales page you will need to have solid keywords. The goal is to find related keywords that have a high search number compared to the amount of competition, and are keywords that consumers use when they are going to spend money. This last part is critical since some keywords will attract window shoppers. There are multiple tools you can utilize to help you, for example Google's Keyword Tool is a free tool or if you want more complex help you can look into Market Samurai.

3. Get hold of a domain name.
If you don't already have a domain you will want get hold of one. I purchase domains at name cheap and GoDaddy. Name cheap is a little less expensive but it's also a bit trickier to transfer the DNS. GoDaddy is user friendly when you are setting up your account, but if you are accused of spamming with your related e-mail address they have been known to seize your account and charge substantial fees to reclaim it. This could be frustrating if you didn't do anything wrong. They are both reputable companies to purchase from.

4. Obtain an e-mail service provider (ESP).
If you don't already have one you will need to get an ESP to handle sending your e-mails to your large prospect list you will be building. Don't try to cut corners here and use a program on your computer, or attempt to send e-mails to large lists using the blind carbon copy function on your e-mail. They are both fast ways to get accused of spamming. I use Aweber, but some people prefer Constant Contact for their variety of templates. Either one will work.

5. Sign up for hosting services.
Tons of options, if you're not sure whom to use try HostGator they are a safe choice. The hatchling package is their starter package and it will provide you with reliable hosting for about $8.98 per month and less if you prepay.

6. Make an outline of your ideas.
Get ready to brainstorm; you need to get an idea on all of the strategies that your client is going to require and what you have to offer them. Write down all the steps that your typical client will have to take to get where they want to go. Then start over and begin filling in details (don't panic this doesn't have to be pretty it's just for you). You will be impressed at all that you have to offer. Place this aside you will be ready for it in a few minutes.

7. Design a landing page and give away to reward interested leads.
The purpose of a landing (or squeeze) page is to collect contact information from leads. Don't do anything else on your landing page but provide incentive to people to enter their contact information. Use a piece of the outline you created earlier to develop a free gift. It could be an eBook, audio, Ezine, free software access, video or other creation. What's important is that it provides benefits that lead can implement to make progress their goals without having to buy anything. Now they will be more likely to have every confidence in you to help them complete the journey. Then build an opt-in box from your ESP (e-mail service provider) and add it to a web page with the benefits of your free gift for those who provide their contact information.

8. Advertise your free gift to get prospects to your website.
Unfortunately this is where a lot of people flop. There are a plethora of options available for promoting your give away and pushing people to your landing page. You can utilize any blend of blogs, social media, article marketing, e-mail blasts, pay per click, trade magazines and/or Ezine advertisements. All of these techniques are effective in certain circumstances. Your market, and the amount of time and money should determine you have, as well as your unique talents. Be wary of anyone who proposes a magic advertising cure that is right for everyone.

9. Build a relationship with the prospects on your prospect list.
You have an expanding list from the give away on your landing page you can use your ESP to provide them with beneficial pertinent information, and ask them what solutions they are looking for. You can decide to broadcast messages or schedule an Autoresponder ahead of time. It's also recommended to use e-mails to send people to your blog to gather more detailed information.

10. Collect opinions from your list.
Once you have a group of leads after the benefits you can provide find out exactly what they are looking for. Uncover what their biggest problems are and where they are stuck. Find out what teaching styles they are partial to (text, audio or video), then use this feedback to help you design your subscription website.

11. Figure out what functionality your password website will have to provide.
This is a vital step to certify that as soon as you finish your subscription site you are not immediately required to redesign it. Almost all membership sites demand the typical tools: audio, video, text and graphics. You may also want to add some higher-level options like forums, instant messenger or online interactive tools. Being prepared will save you lots of time, money and frustration.

12. Determine how you will design the passwords website.
You can build your own members only website utilizing free WordPress plugins, purchase a prewritten script or have a custom site to be built for you. Each method will produce a subscription website capable of producing excellent revenues. Your experience, time, financial resources and the complexity of the project should drive this decision.

13. Generate content for your site.
Find the blueprint that you made in step 6 and dissect the material into major categories, then subcategories. Next write a text tutorial on a subject, and then create an audio file and video download on the same subject but with a different focus. For example, the text could be on how to find venture capital, then the audio recording could be an interview with an angel investor on what they want, then the video file could be the story of a business owner who got an investor. If you produce content like this you'll never be concerned about a shortage.

14. Select what new updates you will provide to your clients and when.
After generating all the content for the website this is nothing. Pick vital, changing parts of your system and decide how frequently you will give new information so prospects know what they are signing up for.

15. Share your subscription site to your established prospect list.
The prospects on this list are already looking for the solutions you can offer, and you have been keeping in touch with them and building a bond. Now you are at the point you can share the paid subscription website that you have generated from the information your leads provided you with. It's certain to be a mega success!

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