Best Tips to Satisfy Your Ideal Woman

Posted by Diana Yusuf on Thursday, January 28, 2010

Only 3 of 10 women, who can achieve sexual climax standards. While the seven other women need clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. They need a touch of the hand and tongue, taste buds tool passionate. Results of research experts say, most women need time to climax during masturbation ranged between 4-6 minutes, while for intercouse clearly requires more time, at least 10 minutes. Even up to 20 minutes.

In fact, not all women can achieve pleasure through penetration or masturbation. Therefore, as men should be more focused to stimulate the clitoris female sex partners. Choose the point that most sexual response is larger. Andrology experts from leading hospitals suggest to all men to throw the ego to think about some sex positions that can stimulate your sex female opponent. One way, use a touch of your hand smartly during penetration. To make your partner more pleasure again, the function can hand you replace it with his tongue, tool buds. Research in various countries concluded that the stimulus to the tongue was much more delicious than the hands or your genitals.

Simple way. Perform a gentle tongue movements and play on her clit, then quickened tempo if your partner has entered the threshold of orgasm. So, there's no harm in trying, because the woman you love will feel the sensation of unusual sexual pleasure.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

Qori said...

wow, its hot.....

i want to try it...

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