Posted by Diana Yusuf on Tuesday, August 18, 2009


After so many for a long time did not write in this place, so confused want write what? Good him write about the very sad feeling, why sad? , why not sad, already 64 nation years were independent, already 64 years a great number that was felt, from beginning the development to the ferocity of the BALI BOMB, BOM KUNINGAN, BOM JW MARRIOT and RITZ CARLTON

But still many children or that normally is mentioned in swearing of the young man that is the YOUNG MAN and this nation YOUNG WOMAN that still the feeling of that nasionationalism not all that against this nation. Please pay attention to, many schooling children and mixed blood children (huehehehehe) that him look like was good-looking at this time in said TEXT PROKLAMASI and PANCASILA could not, everything was told read out UUD’45 or 36 items of PANCASILA. can not!! , what's up with these nation? Because of teaching staff in this nation that not all that the feeling of nationalism or because of parents that already did not think about this nation or the GOVERNMENT that was busy by combatting poverty and corruption? , but all that became your thoughts personally!!!

That so today on August 17 2009 I promised:
Will stay loyal in PANCASILA and UUD’45
Will continue to invested in All my Little Friends that was produced from a sperm and the egg cell, to could say and remmember Text PROKLAMASI, PANCASILA, UUD’45 and all 36 items of PANCASILA.
Obeyed fo God, Parents and Nation.
Always used the conference for Mufakat, and revered Gotong Royong
Enriched himself for the educations

Sekian terimakasih, janji ini diucapkan dengan lancar dan tanpa terbata-bata, akan dilaksanakan dengan seksama dan dengan tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya.

IN my Lovely House
In front of my computer
For all human in my house


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relaks said...

For the love of God!!merdeekaaa..yoyoyyoo Nyegikers!!love uFUUUUUULLLL

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